(((i hate when i start a post, get caught up in something else, then remember it weeks later, get mad at myself for not posting more often, & then go through the already written part to change things that make no sense, attempt to remember what else i was saying, & get back into it. so... here is goooes)))
I'm so obsessed with any sort of whimsical stories & i can't explain how stoked i get when i hear about new projects of old favorites.
I was SO sad that Beastly wasn't as good as i'd hoped. (it was... "eh." when it should have been "YAY!" - grr.)
I still have to go see Red Riding Hood (which i REALLLY wanted to see...)
a while ago i heard about not only one, but TWO new Snow White movies (which secretly pisses me off, bc i hate when two things that are the SAME, come out at the same time... it's like an automatic competition & it makes me sad, but o well...)
(((since i started writing this post, i read a pretty great Examiner.com article on the subject of the Battle of the Fairest in the Land.. here)))
Snow White & the Huntsman
directed by: Rupert Sanders
starring: Kristen Stewart, Chris Hemsworth & Charlize Theron
There isn't much information out yet, but i think K. Stewart will be an interesting Snow White.
She def looks like her, but, depending on how the movie is going to go, the attitude will hafta be different from the traditional thought of Snow White. I can see this working out REALLY well, if it's done right.
As much as it pains me to say so, (& you all know how obsessed i am with Alice in Wonderland & Tim Burton), i don't think that his A-in-W flick turned out the way that i wanted it to. The vibe was just a bit too dark, which i hope does drag down this film.
Hey, K. Stew, haven't you learned by now that you're not supposed to eat the forbidden fruit? But, then again, i guess it works for you. Who am i to tell you to change it up, when you're the one that always lands the hottie in the end.
Hm.. i think i'm craving an apple... An apple a day gets a Happily Ever After with a Prince (or.. vampire)
The Brothers Grimm: Snow White
directed by Tarsem Singh
Starring: Lily Collins, Julia Roberts, Armie Hammer, Nathan Lane
I don't know much about this one, either, but the imdb.com plot says it's "a dark twist", so maybe this will be the creepier of the two flicks.
Snow White, in this version, is Lily Collins (Phil Collins daughter who has been in a few things, but i don't recognize her, other than a short stint on 90210). She's cute, def, but i'll be more partial to K. Stew from the gate. (can't help but be biased, luvs me some K. Stew, in all her awkward glory).
I also luvs me some Nathan Lane & i've always been a fan of Julia Roberts (more than Charlize, sorry CT).
2 points awarded to SW&H for leading lady choice, 1 point to TBG:SW for Julia Roberts, 1 more for Nathan Lane...
tied with cast...
I've never seen any of the films directed by Tarsem Singh, & this is listed as Rupert Sanders' first project, so, i guess it's a draw!
We'll have to see what else comes out to know which one will be in the front running.
7 other things:
1. i'm very excited because my lil sis is coming to visit me tomorrow. i haven't seen her since January & she's never been to Cali! Whooop!
2. i went to a very awesome thing, the opening night gala event for the LA Antique Show in Santa Monica where there was an exhibit from the Reform Gallery in LA which has a large (or.. the largest?) collection of Paul McCobb (my grandfather)'s furniture. He was a mid century furniture designer & my Mothers Daddy!
here's me!
3. i've read the first four books of the Blue Bloods series. I have book number 5, which i'm trying to hold off on, so i can read it before number 6 comes out, which i believe will be in October. They should DEF be movies & i have plenty of ideas on the cast. I hope i remember to post my thoughts on this!
i've also read a few more books by Ellen Hopkins; Impulse, Identical (fav) & i'm now reading Tricks.
4. If anyone plays Words With Friends on their iPhone or Android, PUH-LEASE play vs. me, i'm (naturally) Spankyluvsit
5. What the FUCK is this about...??
6. I've updated my Etsy shop with my recent work. I have prints available of my sketches & paintings. I hope that you all enjoy them!!!
(they're a tad bit.... dark & twisty...)
The name is changed to Sara McCobb Hubbell Designs with Twitterpated Pretty & Twisted Pixie
7. it's a late update, but Travy Pants (Bazinga Baby) & i celebrated our One Year Anniversary in March. He took me to a lovely dinner at the GORGEOUS Orange Hill Restaurant in Anaheim, CA.
yes, this is the actual view. it's insane...
one more thing i'll say super fast: i read in Us Weekly that ABC is considering sending General Hospital to the morgue to lie with Days of Our Lives & All My Children, to make room for a BOGUS talk show with Katie Kuric. To this, my Mom (& only other known avid GH fan) said "I hope that Sonny doesn't go rogue" & i said "if they cancel my stories, i'll go fucking ROGUE".
So, let it be known, i will NOT be happy if is taken away from me. juuuust say'n...